The most popular calligraphy brush is the traditional bamboo handle brush. Calligraphy brushes come in many sizes and the size of the brush is dependent on the size of the calligraphy that you want to create.At the beginning use a small brush. Like any art, one must practice, practice, practice and then practice some more. One of the reasons that this is important is to develop the small muscles in the hand. With this development comes control and strength. The larger the calligraphy the more strength is required.New brushes are prepared and sold with the bristles treated with a stiffening agent. This keeps the bristles in the proper shape. After each use it is important to store the brush in the same way, except using a little ink instead. To prepare the brush for use, fill a small cup or bowl with clean water. With the brush in hand, dip the bristles in the water for a few second. Never stand a brush on its bristles! Take the brush out and remove the excess water from the brush using the side of the glass; much like any paintbrush. Gently, stroke the side and tip of the brush on a clean piece of paper as if you were painting the paper with water. Continue doing this until bristles are soft and pliable. Rewet with water if necessary. Now your brush is ready to use. Remember the shape of the new brush; when writing make sure the brush is the same shape at the start of each new character. This is done by dipping the brush in ink and coaxing the bristles back into shape by brushing it against the ink well. Store the brush by laying it horizontal or hanging vertical with the brush pointing down. Do not let the bristle touch any surface when not in use. Using a brush stand is an excellent means of storing brushes.